How to Fix Windows Firewall Blocking Specific Ports on a VPS

If specific ports are being blocked by the Windows Firewall on a VPS, you can configure the firewall to allow the necessary ports. Follow these detailed steps to resolve the issue effectively:
  1. First, search Windows for a Windows Defender Firewall:

  2. Click on Advanced Settings:

  3. Go to Inbound Rules and click on New Rule:

  4. Select Port and click Next:

  5. Choose from selected options based on a Port type(in our case TCP) and enter the number of the Port you want to add. In our case- it’s Port 80 (we’re using port 80 to ensure the website or application hosted on a server is accessible to users) then click Next:

  6. There is additional step when setting up this specific port. Check Allow the Connection and click Next:

  7. On the next step- you can specify when the rule apply. Choose from the selected options and click Next:

  8. Give the rule a name (In our case "Allow Port 80") and click Finish:

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